Smoked Duck with Redcurrant & Port Jelly Canapé Recipe

Smoked Duck with Redcurrant & Port Jelly Canapé Recipe
Our Black Mountains Smokery Smoked Duck Canapé is heaven in a bite!
 Smoked Duck Canapes With Hedgerow & Port Jelly


Smoked Duck Breast – sliced and cut into slivers  
Redcurrant and Port Jelly
Natural Yogurt or Crème fraîche
Canapé Shells
Pomegranate Seeds

Lay the Canapé Shells onto a serving platter or board.

Spoon in some of the Natural Yogurt or Crème fraîche.

Roll the Smoked Duck slivers into spirals and place on top of the yoghurt (the yoghurt holds the Smoked Duck in place).

Add a small dollop of the Redcurrant and Port Jelly and sprinkle on some of the pomegranate seeds.

Not only will this Smoked Duck Canapé look divine it will have your guests wanting more! Enjoy!

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