Be Mighty. Recycle.

Be Mighty. Recycle.

Did you know that Wales is the world’s second-best recycling nation?

At Black Mountains Smokery, we recognise the importance of food sustainability and recycling, and we strive to make our small business as environmentally friendly as we can. This year we are supporting ‘Be Mighty. Recycle.’, an initiative that aims to prevent food waste and raise greater awareness around recycling.
Black Mountains Smokery is proud to produce a versatile range of ready-to-eat goods – produce that is of the highest quality, healthy and traceable. We have also spent time developing recipes that incorporate our whole range of produce – providing recipe ideas for anyone in need of some inspiration for their left-over goodies in their fridge!


"Wales you're cream of the crop" animted graphic with Welsh leek.


At Black Mountains Smokery, we operate with sustainability in mind – using packaging that is recyclable and compostable when possible. We actively minimise our food waste – using excess smoked fish and trims to make our delicious range of smoked fish pâté. When our stock nears its use by date, it is either frozen and sold at a discounted price in our shop (or enjoyed in our staff kitchen!). All food waste from production, mainly fishbones, is recycled.

Welsh Oak chips smoking in kiln.
Our produce is smoked over Welsh oak chips that are unprocessed and entirely chemical-free. The oak chips and shavings are biproduct from local carpenters, including the Cadw workshop, which uses natural oak to restore and protect Wales’ historic buildings.

Find out more about Be Mighty. Recycle here.