How to Hand-Slice Smoked Salmon

Learn how to slice your own Smoked Salmon at home
People often ask us: ‘What machine do you use to slice your salmon?’
Well, here it is, and his name is Hugh!
He is immense over the extremely busy Christmas period, and alongside Corrine & Alex, our production team heroes painstakingly hand slice smoked salmon for thousands of orders, making sure they are all to the highest standard – we just cannot thank them all enough.
We thought it would be nice for you all to see how we get those perfect hand-sliced smoked salmon sides! Listen carefully – the master is at work!
We hope this little video is helpful for those of you who want to give it a try at home. You’ll need a long, thin & flexible blade, if not a proper Salmon knife and one of our Traditional Oak Smoked Salmon Unsliced Sides to try your hand at. After slicing, serve on a bespoke Oak Platter, for maximum wow factor around the dinner table.
For those of you that prefer your Smoked Salmon pre-sliced … this will give you a little insight into how lovingly we prepare each order of smoked salmon!
If you’re more interested in what goes on before the slicing, you can find out more about our smoking processes here.