How do you reuse your packaging?

How to recycle your packaging!
We deliver your parcels using foil liners inside recycled cardboard boxes as they are the most effective way to keep your food cool in transit, as well as being space efficient in our warehouse.
We used to send a return bag with every order so that each foil liner could be sent back for re-use. However, this is not carbon efficient, given the extra plastic and transit involved. We therefore suggest that our customers reuse the liners wherever possible – or return them more than one at a time.
We receive some great emails with brilliant ideas for putting the liners to good use. We thought it was high time that we shared their suggestions and asked you for more! So here goes:
Insulate a henhouse
Keep in the car for shopping
Use as a cool bag for picnics
Use as a garden grow bag
Use in a garden propagator to keep seedlings cosy in early spring
Create a windscreen reflector to keep your car cool in summer
Repurpose as a knight’s costume
Place behind radiators against outside walls to reflect back heat
We’ve been working steadily over the last decade to improve the sustainability of our packaging, as well as making other environmentally conscious improvements to our business.
Regarding the packaging we use to send our delicious smoked produce out to customers; our boxes, sleeves and shred are recyclable and made from recycled card and we always use the smallest box we can to transport your order safely.
To keep our produce cold in transit during the warmer months, we add in 1 or 2 reusable gel ice packs. The ice packs take up minimal space and have twice the cooling capacity of ice – just pop them in your freezer and use in your cool box for shopping or picnics – or even for soothing a bump! If you don’t have space in your freezer simply cut the ice pack open, pour the non-toxic solution down the drain, rinse the plastic outer and place in recycling.
We wrap glass bottles and jars in a fantastic stretchy paper wrap that looks like honeycomb! It does a great job of making sure items don’t knock against each other and again, it can either be recycled or reused. If we use bubble wrap it is to re-use what we have received rather than waste it. We hope you will do the same.
Vacuum packs are not yet recyclable but we are working closely with our supplier to this end. However, the boards within the vacuum packs can be recycled.
We reuse cardboard boxes that have come into us from suppliers for trade orders and our weekly delivery round to local businesses or we reuse a carrier bags, which are given back to us for further reuse.
We encourage customers to offset the carbon footprint of parcel deliveries by supporting a wonderful local initiative called “Stump Up for Trees,” their mission to plant a million trees in our beautiful Black Mountains and Brecon Beacons.
How do you reuse your packaging?
How do you reuse your packaging?