Perfect Ploughmans

Here at the Smokery we practice what we preach, so here’s another hassle-free recipe that will go down a treat. Choose a selection of the ingredients below from our online shop and enjoy…
Pink Radishes
Vine Cherry Tomatoes
Pickled Onion Gherkins, Olives and Capers
Jones Kimchi / Fermented Slaws
Celery Stalks and Leaves
If smoked cheddar isn’t your thing we have a wonderful array of Welsh artisan cheese. Head over to our Welsh Cheese & Dairy section to check out the selection.
Plain and Simple… Just plonk it all on a big oak platter board, scatter sea salt and pepper, and sit down and eat.
If you’re going to eat this inside, with a knife and fork, you could serve a slaw or delicious dressed salad as an accompaniment.
Feel free to make it your own and add or substitute ingredients. A great way to use leftovers!