Smoked Salmon and Onion Quiche Recipe

400g Oak Roasted Salmon, flaked into large pieces
500g Shortcrust pastry
5 Eggs
250ml Cream
100ml Milk
4 Spring onions – finely chopped
Small bunch dill – finely chopped
Small bunch watercress – roughly chopped
Pinch of grated nutmeg
Halen Môn Sea Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Make your pastry as preferred or alternatively use ready-made.
Preheat the oven to 200°C.
Line a quiche dish completely with your pastry, pushing it in at the edges. Leave the edges untrimmed and place in the fridge.
When the pastry is firm, line with non-stick baking paper and fill with baking beans. Bake for 15 minutes until the pastry is starting to set and then remove the beans and continue cooking until golden.
Remove the pastry case from the oven and while still warm and trim any excess pastry from the edges.
Combine the Oak Roasted Salmon, spring onions, dill and watercress, and then spoon into pastry base. Mix together the eggs, cream, milk and nutmeg, season to taste, and carefully pour over the Oak Roasted Salmon mixture.
Place on a low shelf in the oven and bake for 30-40 minutes or until the mixture is set.
Serve and enjoy!