Smoked Trout Pate or Dip Recipe

Welsh artisan food and hampers delivered on your day of choice!
2 Peppered (or plain) Smoked Trout Fillets approx 160g or Smoked Salmon Trims approx 100g
1 Tub Cream Cheese
1 Lemon
Single Cream – optional
Black Pepper & Paprika
Blend together the Smoked Trout Fillets and the cream cheese. Add lemon juice and freshly ground black pepper to taste. Leave the texture firm for pâté; for a dip loosen the mixture by adding single cream. Garnish with a sprinkle of paprika or chopped parsley.
Serve as a dip with freshly prepared crudité and bread sticks, or as pâté with wholemeal bread or toast and butter.
The Smoked Trout produces a very delicate flavour. Substitute with our Smoked Salmon Trims for a more robust pâté or with Smoked Mackerel or poached Smoked Haddock flakes and a little softened butter for fulsome flavour.
This Smoked Trout Pate recipe is also delicious spooned into our Canapé Shells or spread over Crostini or Blinis with a sprinkle of Caviar to garnish.